SEARCH (Student Energy in Action in Regina for Community Health) is a student run, interdisciplinary primary health care initiative situated in Regina. Our goal is to provide equitable access to social and clinical programs within a culturally safe clinical setting to bridge the gaps in service for diverse populations.  


SEARCH has an external vision that states: “The community has achieved improved health and wellbeing through equitable, accessible programming delivered by an interdisciplinary collaborative of students and mentors.”
SEARCH also has an internal vision that states: “SEARCH students and mentors are leaders and champions of collaborative interdisciplinary and culturally competent approaches to professional practice.”  In these aspects, SEARCH’s aim is two-fold. We strive to educate and empower our clients while also educating our students on the social determinants of health and primary health care.


Members of SEARCH recognize the intrinsic value of all people and their right to high quality care. As future health care professionals, they strive to understand the social determinants of health, the principles of primary health care, and the importance of socially responsive health promotion.


SEARCH guides all actions and decisions based on their values of:

Caring relationships built upon respect, empathy, and active listening in an atmosphere of warmth and belonging


Commitment to quality through ongoing development, improvement, and evaluation of ourselves, our team, and our services in partnership with the community.

Continuous Learning

Supporting individuals, families, and the community as a whole (physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental) through an approach that is accepting, inclusive, and honours the stories of others.

Wholistic View


Working together as a team in a respectful way where diverse ideas are shared, varied skills and perspectives are valued, and the contributions of all are recognized.


Understanding difference in values, attitudes, and knowledge in a space where all can gain strength in our relations, the process of cultural sharing is encouraged, and respect for all cultural backgrounds is achieved.

A positive approach which focusses on the strength and assets of one’s self and others to empower everyone to make the best decisions as experts in their own lives.

Cultural Humility

Benefits of Student-Run Clinics

Interdisciplinary student run clinics in Canada have been found to be beneficial in being able to provide effective patient-centred care to communities. These organizations not only are able to serve their communities, but also foster the learning of future healthcare professionals. By providing students with collaborative, community-based learning opportunities students and community members mutually gain. Benefits to community based learning includes developing socially accountable future health professions, developing leadership and management skills among students, and the fostering of connections between different health system partners. This is particularly true with underserved communities.

(Holmqvist, Courtney, Meili, & Dick, 2012).