Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring my children to SEARCH clinic?

Yes! We offer childminding at SEARCH! This allows parents the option to participate in planned programming for the day, seek medical services from one of the clinicians, or simply spend time socializing with others while your children are engaged in activites with our volunteers. Click here to learn more about our social programming.

What services are offered and on what days?

Specialty clinics or services are offered when available from our volunteer clinicians. We always have a medical provider, social worker, and registered dietician available for appointments. For the most up-to-date listing of what will be offered, please see the Programming Calendar.

SEARCH is open on Saturdays from 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm. Lunches are served at 12:30 pm while supplies last.

Who can volunteer at SEARCH?

Students enrolled at the University of Regina, the University of Saskatchewan, or Saskatchewan Polytechnic Institute can volunteer at SEARCH. To become a Mentor at SEARCH, you need to be licensed in a health-related profession. If you are neither a student, nor able to be a mentor, there may be other opportunities available for you to contribute. Contact us directly to discuss options.

Does SEARCH still offer hot meals?

Hot meals are not being offered at this time. SEARCH offers bagged lunches to-go that are designed by a Registered Dietician in accordance to Canada’s Food Guide. You still have opportunity to stay in the clinic for social programming, medical services, or just to chat and socialize!