Join our Board of Directors!

Each year, SEARCH members vote on the next year’s Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting in July. There are no maximum number of terms for a SEARCH Board Member and anyone can join. However, 50% of our Board of Directors must be comprised of post-secondary students. In order to be considered for the Board of Directors, you must be in good standing with the organization and complete a nomination form located here.

The 2024 SEARCH Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday, July 31 at 6:00 pm virtually through Google Meet. There are still positions available for nomination. Please see below for the available positions. Nominations can be submitted any time. Please submit your nomination via email here.

What is required?

All members of the Board of Directors must be able to commit to the following:

  • Attend one two-hour monthly board meeting.

  • Attend meetings with the Executive Director, the Board of Directors or individual board members on an as needed basis. 

  • Attend fundraising or promotional events for the organization (unless otherwise specified). 

  • Attend meetings with Executive Director, Board or individual Board members on an as-needed basis. 

  • Assist in supervising or attending a minimum of one shift per semester (unless otherwise specified).

  • Commitment to one year of service.

  • Please see below for the specific roles and responsibilities for each position.

Available Positions

Voting Positions:


Grants & Fundraising Committee Chairperson

Non-voting Positions:

Member-at-Large; up to six (6) positions

Board Alumni; (1) position

University of Saskatchewan Representative; one (1) position

First Nations University of Canada Representative, one (1) position

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Representative; one (1) position

How do Voting & Non-Voting Board Member positions differ?

Voting Board Memers are Chairpersons and Executive Board Members. They are able to vote on whether or not actions can take place within the organization at Board Meetings. Non-voting Board Members do not have this authority, however they are able to voice their ideas, opinions, and concerns before decisions are made at all Board Meetings. Voting Board Members have greater authority in the organization due their voting capacity, but also due to the fact they are the Directors of the organization. They often take on a larger working role in order to allow us to fully function. Whereas, Non-voting Board Members are often participating on committees under a respective Committee Chairperson to perform smaller duties for the organization. Both positions are integral to the success of SEARCH. If you would like to know more about the differences between these positions, please email our Executive Director here.